Thursday, 26 May 2011

Illustrated Gormenghast – review coming soon!

Cape’s Vintage Books are kindly providing this illustrating fanatic and writer of fantasy to pore over and review the many previously unpublished illustrations of Mervyn Peake in this new hardback edition of the Gormenghast Trilogy to be published by Vintage Books on the 7th July. (more than 100 illustrations).
Published in the same day in paperback Titus Awakes, by Maeve Gilmore  from a fragment, prefaced by Brian Sibley (see radio prod. below).

On 9th July, Mervyn Peake's actual birthday, an exhibition of work by both him and his widow Maeve Gilmore opens.
Paintings and drawings by both artists will be on show at Viktor Wynd Fine Art, 11 Mare Street, London E8 4RP.

Finally, Brian Sibley’s new radio adaptation of Gormenghast is going into production.

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