Wednesday 10 November 2010


‘The Flight of Birds’ by Alan Howard (Gilliland) ISBN 978055548628

is out now as a B-format paperback with flaps at £9.99. Also out any day now as an e-book all formats at same price (ISBN 9780955548666 – the devil knows why?)

It is a gothic ghost tale based upon a Greek myth set between Elizabethan England (I) and today. First of a ‘Danse Macabre’ trilogy featuring a mysterious vagabond and story-teller, the Shabby Tattler, whose tales seem to come alive in the telling.
Gemma Sealey, from Waterstone’s St. Albans, wrote this incredibly nice review of it: "What an amazing tale! The reader is thrust straight into an atmospheric drama, weaving history and fantasy together in this Gothic Danse Macabre, in parts reminiscent of some original brothers' Grimm tales, and the writing is so addictive there's never a good place to put the book down. As for the ending, nothing prepares you for that! I really was not expecting when I started this book for it to have a treasure trove of such depth and diversity, horror and enchantment. It combines the magical twists of Neil Gaiman with the atmosphere of Poe or Machen.
The author has, like an Elizabethan alchemist, blended to perfection all the vital serendipitous ingredients to make a most original haunting tale."

Go to this URL to download the covers of this book and an accompanying book of short stories and poems, ‘AnaThema’ and a pamphlet for the trilogy. 

‘Anathema’ available as POD (this one in Gardners wholesalers soon, therefore can be ordered through Waterstone’s, etc..) Book ISBN 9780955548635 (e-book ISBN 9780955548659). Both £6.99.
URL. (covers/pamphlet)